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March 18th, 2009 Amazing changes and our trip to SC!Amazing Changes: God has never cease to Amaze us! His work in these peoples lives are evident. There are many indiviuals that come to know Him as personal Savior of their lives and we see growth and then there are those that we see Amazing changes in the life. I just want to thank you for praying with us for these people the Islanders of Palau that live her in Guam. I have talked with a few both men and women that have made complete turn arounds in their lives. It is very refresing to see a the peace that surpasses all understanding in the eyes even it seems like a bright light has come on inside of them! God Alone can ONLY do that to our lives! We are also getting GREAT feedback about the new village bible studies. Many are attending that would most likely never have some into our church. Our church has went out to meet them. They have open their homes for them to come and join and outside biblestudy once a week. PRAISE GOD for those who are learning of HIS love and faithfulness! Our trip to SC: We are so thankful tohave found a place to stay for our furlough time. Thank you for those of you who were looking for a place for us! We really appreciate your help. We have planned 2 trips while we are in SC possibly 3. We really wanted to go to the Creation Museum in Ohio and we wondering how we would be able to rent a car and drive as a family of 6 with the twins and car seat and such for this around 9 hour drive. I am so excited to find out that Spears Creek Baptist Church where my brother, Paul Stephens, Pastors, will be taking a large group from their church. So we are now going to be joining them. That will be loads of fun for us since we don't get to do things like that on this small Island! We still have a few things that have to come together. We have only purchased from Guam to Hawaii , round trip, whiwh is the most expensive part of our trip. We were blesses to be able to use miles and then pay about 800.00 for this portion. We have not however been able to buy the 4 tickets from HAwaii all the way to SC. It seems the tickets will cost us between 600.00 to 800.00 per person. That is about another 2400.00 - 3200.00 more. Pray for us as we have been searching different internet site looking for the lowest fare for about 3 months and they are going up and down. Thanks for your prayers...hope to see you all in a couple of months!12:29 AM - edit it - delete it
February 28th, 2009 Our kids and Our parents!Nathanael has been very sick with either a virus or Food Poisoning. No one else has had either of these symptoms.....hopefully it will stay that well for the sake of the twins. My mom had been taken an anitbiotic for broncitus and had a very bad reaction . It destroyed her good bacteria. She became very sick on her stomach in a major way. The doctor knew she was having a hard time and placed her on a different antibiotic to help the growth of the good bacteria. She is now doing much better! Thanks to all of you who were praying for her. My Dad has been having some sores removed from his face over the years due to the sun exposure from years of being outside working. He was told just a month or so ago that these sores were pre-cancerious. He was being watch by his doctor carefully for a while. He was told just over a week or so ago that it has now turned into skin cancer. He will have this removed this week. Please keep all three of them in your prayers.1:53 AM - edit it - delete it
February 7th, 2009 Family and Ministry UpdateAlii and Hafa Adai from the warm and sunny island of Guam! We are so happy to get to write to you and catch you up on what has been happening in our ministry and lives over the past year. Last year in December, about a month and half after Julie and our boys arrived back on Guam from visiting many of you in S.C., we found out that we were expecting a baby. We had been praying, for quiet some time on whether or not to try to have one more hopes for a girl. We had been talking one evening about adopting a baby girl from a church member but did not feel it was the right situation at the time. So we began to ask God, after nearly 5 years of thinking we were done having children, if He wanted us to have another child. Shortly after Julie arrived back from the S.C. visited she became pregnant. On January 2 Nd, Julie went in to have an ultrasound and was shocked to find out that we were having fraternal twins. The pregnancy was a rough 37 weeks. Our twins were born on July 27 Th! Our little boys do not look much a like at all. Uriah Kekuii was born weighing 6lbs 7 oz. and Malachi Kldemek weighed 6lbs 9 oz. both 18 inches long. Life to say the lest has really changed for us. Our Ministry: We Thank the Lord for the people who have accepted Christ during the Christmas service and the Sunday that followed. God has done amazing things here. On Christmas 6 people accepted Jesus as their personal savior. Then the Sunday after Christmas 4 people accept Christ and about 50 rededicated their lives to Him. We were so excited to see GOD working in these peoples lives. Andrew has been working on a small group bible study for quiet some time. What used to be our Wednesday night Bible study and prayer time is now 6 small group Bible studies through out the Northern and Central villages on Guam. It is our prayer that those who attend these groups, members from the former Wednesday night meeting and the new believers will grow to know the Lord and become a witness to their family and neighbors in the community around them. This effort is especially to reach out to those who wouldn't normally come to a Sunday morning church service but would be more comfortable in this setting. Our Family: Andy is enjoying our house full of boys. He is a very helpful father and husband. He also enjoys his Tuesday basketball with Islanders from different countries that reside on Guam and get together to play ball. Then on Sunday afternoon he plays basketball with our church members and the Pacific Island Bible College Students. During the week he studies for his Sunday morning service and Sunday night Bible studies. He also meets with other church members and counsels those who need advise. Occasionally he will have a funeral to speak at and also attend nightly prayer with the family that loss their love one, about 3 nights in that week leading up to the funeral. This is a wonderful ministry because not only does it help the family cope with losing their love one but it the same way it is a way to share the gospel. Many times some of them will began to attend church or come to know Christ through this ministry. Julie is still homeschooling Samuel (8 1/2 years old) and Nathanael (6 1/2 years old). It has been difficult to say the least but we are committed to giving our boys a great education in a safe learning environment. Julie also takes care of the twins during the day until Andy is able to come in to help out, after putting several hours in at work. She also helps keep people informed as much as she can on our church and family websites. So she is very busy these days. Samuel is growing so much. He helps us out with taking care of the twins. His favorite classes are English and Science. He also does very well in Math. He is now in the third grade. We are still using the Bob Jones Homesat DVD curriculum. Sammy loves to garden. He has been planting many kinds of beautiful plants and really has a green thumb. He loves for us to go out and visit his garden which he, Nathanael, and their friends enjoy hanging out and working there. Sammy is also very good with designing and computer graphics. Nathanael has gotten much tall and is very outgoing. He is in the first grade now and his favorite class is Bible. He is also good in spelling and handwriting. Nathanael is very creative when he draws and builds things. He loves the twins very much and helps us take care of them. He watches them to make sure they are safe from getting hurt. Nathanael loves to pray for people. Uriah and Malachi, our soon to be 7 month old twin boys are growing too fast. This time around we are older and appreciate our infant babies and their various stage of life. It seems like they grow so much over night at times. Uriah is a very happy and a patient baby. He smiles so much. Malachi however is very observant. He seems to pay attention to everything. Uriah looks so much like Andy. Malachi has the lightest skin of all our children and the longest eyelashes we have ever seen on a little boy. He also smiles a good bit too. Our Prayer Request and Praises: Thank you so much for your prayers and support to us and our ministry here to the Palauan people residing on Guam. We are very blessed to have people who love the Lord and seek Him in prayer for our family. As our family has grown this year our needs have also. We ask you to continue to pray for us. God always provides for us and meets all of our needs. Please be praying for us as we will be on Furlough for 3 months this summer in the states. A large portion of our time will be in S.C. however we will also be spending sometime on a little family vacation with our children. Our plans also included attending a conference or classes for our spiritual renewal. Please pray for us as some of this will require us to travel to other states. Our air travel alone to S.C. is over $6,000.00 for four of us. We will have to hold the twins, since then they can fly free and that will save us a couple thousand dollars more. It will not be easy since they will be about 10 months old and ready to explore a lot on their own. Our flight time is about 21 hours not including some the layover time in connection airports. Please pray that God will provide the finances we need for the travel expenses and a place to stay in each place we travel too. We would like to be close to Camden or the Lugoff area while staying in S.C. since that will be closer to our home church in Lugoff. May God bless you and your love ones. We hope to see you all soon Lord willing! In Jesus care, Andrew, Julie, Samuel, Nathanael, Uriah, and Malachi Immanuel